As well as consultancy, we are well-known for the psychometric tools that Dr Fiona Beddoes-Jones, a UK Chartered Psychologist, has developed in the areas of Leadership and Cognition.
To use these tools, you can either choose to use us as your internal psychologists on a per project basis, or you can become trained and Licenced to use any of the tools yourself.
Simply contact us to discuss your requirements or request a brochure to find out more.
Authentic Leadership 360™
Developed as part of doctoral research, the Authentic Leadership 360™ generates a unique profile in two parts. The first half of the report shows a leader’s scores against the 3 Pillars of Authentic Leadership that emerged from the research: Self-awareness; Self-regulation and Ethics. The second half of the report is ‘free text’ and includes the direct feedback from the leader’s selected respondents.
Unlike most 360 profiles, which limits the number of respondents to 10, the Authentic Leadership 360™ has no limit on the number of people selected to provide feedback, meaning that a leader can ask their extended team, include clients or suppliers, a whole department and also friends and family to provide them with feedback.
Interestingly, we’ve noticed that a couple of things are very common with 360 feedback. The first thing is that a leader will often need to hear similar feedback from at least two different sources before they begin to take notice of it (due to our natural ‘ego defence’ mechanisms). Secondly, they will often take more notice (and subsequent action) regarding feedback from their friends and family rather than their work colleagues.
Leadership Temperament Types™
Based on our understanding of human psychobiology, this unique profile identifies how your underlying biological hormonal profile influences the psychology of your leadership style. Your unique profile shows both your core, fundamental style that only you know and also your flexibility profile which is how others experience you.
It’s a way of understanding in more detail, your own, and others, unique Authentic Leadership style.
The four Leadership Temperament Types that are measured relate to Transformational Leadership (serotonin), Transactional Leadership (testosterone), Charismatic Leadership (dopamine) and Relational Leadership (oestrogen). We are each a unique combination of these styles.
Divided by Gender, United by Chocolate; Differences in the Boardroom is the book by Dr Fiona Beddoes-Jones that supports this new and exciting model of leadership styles. It’s available globally from Amazon or directly from us if you would like multiple copies.
Thinking Styles™
Thinking Styles™ identifies your levels of preference and flexibility for 26 different kinds of thinking; sub-divided into a Sensory, People and Task focus. Your unique personal profile and report is divided into three parts: part A shows you your Summary Scores; part B identifies your Thinking Styles in Action with 12 personalized Mini-Profiles and part C provides the detail behind your scores.
Used by organisations for more than 25 years for leader and manager development, team development, coaching, DE&I and turning round difficult and problematic relationships. Thinking Styles™ can also be used to support the identification and management of certain neuro-diverse conditions such as ADHD, high-functioning Autism and Dyslexia.

Cognitive Team Roles™
Really valuable for understanding the ‘socio-cognitive dynamics’ of teams, Cognitive Team Roles™ has been designed to achieve three critical outcomes:
1. For people to understand their relative strengths and potential weaknesses regarding how their thinking fits in (or doesn’t), with the rest of the team.
2. To map the cognitive strengths, overlaps, gaps and weaknesses of teams.
3. To resolve the issues that dysfunctional teams experience.

Cognitive Gap Analysis™
A process rather than a psychometric tool, Cognitive Gap Analysis™ uses our unique psychometrics to identify the strengths and potential weaknesses of senior teams.
Relating to preferences and flexibilities of each person’s cognitive style (thinking) preferences, Cognitive Gap Analysis™ also identifies the socio-cognitive dynamics of all team members.

Think Smart™
Shorter and easy to understand, this is a great introduction to begin thinking about thinking.
The Think Smart™ profile and report measures your preference levels for 10 different kinds of thinking.
Like Thinking Styles™ these are divided into a Sensory, People and Task focus.